San Antonio



San Antonio Sign

We recommend flying if you are traveling from out of state or the country. San Antonio has two airports. San Antonio International Airport functions as the main airport and Stinson Municipal Airport functions as a reliever airport. Book a flight here.You have multiple options of transportation within the city. The Metropolitan bus system. Buy a Day Pass. There is always Uber and Lift. Traverse on foot. Once in the city you can walk downtown San Antonio with ease.

Parking Rates

Parking Map

If you chose to drive, you will need to know our parking rates. For 1/2 to 1hr is $3.00. For 1 to 1 1/2hrs is $5.00. For 1 1/2 to 2hrs is $7.00.For 2 to 2 1/2hrs is $8.00.


San Antonio offers many great locations to stay. We have hotels, bed and breakfasts, resorts and more. We even have a few hotels located in our River Walk. For more info, check out Trip Hunters video.